Oklahoma Pilots Association
Oklahoma Pilots Association (OPA) is a member controlled Not-For-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization for all pilots and aircraft owners. OPA strives to serve the needs of general aviation pilots statewide, promoting aviation, education, and safety in personal and business flying. Membership consists of student pilots through airline transport pilots, both civil and military and is open to all pilots and aircraft owners.
Oklahoma Pilots Association
5810 Tulakes Avenue
Bethany, Oklahoma 73008
President – Kyle Fulton
Executive VP – Mike Grimes
VP of Membership – Roger Walton
VP of Communications – Craig Hodgins
Secretary – Angela Drabek
Treasurer – Roy Cowan
Past President – Greg Finley
Fly-Away Chairman – (Open Position)
Board Members
Term Expires 6/30/2024
David Ames
Bill Pappadopoulos
Rick Cacini
Eric Lang
College Position – open
Term Expires 6/30/2024
Joey Sager
Jeff Sandusky